Finally! I've been wanting to see Yosemite National Park in person... Hee-hee! I saw only a portion of the park, but still, wow! Look at that waterfalls! That's Yosemite falls above. There's a trail to get to the lower part of the falls and the upper part too. We didn't have enough time to hike the upper falls trail, but the lower falls trail was cool enough! You can get close enough to the falls to get wet if you wanted to!
Above is the famous valley floor of Yosemite where you can see the famous rock El Capitan and bridal veil falls... I'm not sure if you can actually see half-dome from the picture too... Still, it's quite a view! The picture on the right was taken from the lower Yosemite Falls trail. I think there are 7 waterfalls in Yosemite... Two down, five to go then! =)