Our first stop, was Haw Par Villa, unfortunately, I can't remember what exactly it is... Hee-hee! All I remember is that it was built by the people who made tiger balm... I remembered tiger balm, because I knew a lot of old people using it when I was younger... =D Well, wikipedia to the rescue! Haw Par Villa is a Chinese mythological theme park that contains statues and dioramas depicting scenes from Chinese folklore, legends, history and illustrations of various aspects of Confucianism.
The park is beautiful, with some really interesting depictions of things I haven't really thought of being depicted... Hee-hee!
I guess one of the popular depictions there is the ten courts of hell. That is quite an exhibit depicting people's journey in the afterlife, depending on how one led their life. I guess, like a depiction of your judgement day, are you going to heaven, or to hell?
Here is the beginning of the journey, the judgement day.
Then you start seeing some pretty graphic depictions on what punishment you get in hell for certain sins... Pretty gruesome, huh?
If I grew up knowing about the ten courts of hell, I would have been one scaredy cat kid! For lack of obedience, the punishment is your intestines and organs pulled out! Yikes!!! The description of the different crimes and punishment there were pretty detailed! It's just amazing!
Thank goodness at the end of your journey to the ten courts of hell, you get to drink some tea and then be reincarnated. What an interesting journey that was! =)
Here's a few more sceneries around Haw Par Villa. It is an interesting and beautiful place!