Saturday, March 25, 2006

To Cowles Mountain Summit

California - Trail markers


Cowles Mountain - check! (summit reached)
One more peak to go based on this trail marker! =)

At the summit....

View from Cowles Mountain Summit

Summit View from Cowles Mpuntain

Elevation at the summit is 1591 ft. above sea level. The snow-covered mountains is Cuyamaca, Middle Peak and North Peak. The mountain on the left is El Cajon Mountain (I think...) =)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

To North Fortuna Mountain

Trail markers

Trail marker to North Fortuna Mountain

North Fortuna Mountain - check! (summit reached!)
One down, 2 more trails to go from this marker!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

At the summit

North Fortuna Mountain at Mission Trails Regional Park

View from North Fortuna Summit

The seemingly endless view from the summit. I wonder how you get to those trails in the horizon...? =)