Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Washington DC

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What signals spring time better than cherry blossoms? I love cherry blossoms and luckily we were able to see the blossoms at their peak or close to the peak at the tidal basin in Washington DC!

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Look at all the people who came to view the blossoms! If you'd like to see the blossoms, you'd better be prepared to brave the crowds! The picture is blurry but I've never seen as many people on the Jefferson memorial steps during other times!

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One thing I was wondering about is, the cherry blossom's color is mostly white and we only see some pink here and there. I guess I better read up on cherry blossoms! =)

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I took so many photos, so I can't resist posting some more! (Even with the dirty lens and all! Haha!) I love cherry blossoms even if they only last for a short time!