Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Riverbend Park

Great Falls, VA
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It was a nice day to take a walk along a trail at Riverbend Park. That's the Potomac River in the photo. Of course, the other side of the river is Maryland! Can you see some paddlers on the river? Looks like a really nice paddle on that stretch of the Potomac!

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Here's a few more photos along the trail. There's some part on the trail that we took that's uphill. Beautiful trail still!

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We were looking for a place to sit down and have a snack when we saw the wide green open space you see in the picture. We had a big laugh when we reached it, it was a pond! Haha! I've never seen a pond before all covered in green! There's a first for everything, I guess! So, we had to settle eating our snack somewhere on the side of the trail. I think there are some other trails here at Riverbend park, I wouldn't mind exploring them next time!