Okay, since I have already started about 50 first dates, (hehehe!) Here's SeaLife Park! It's more like a very small Sea World... They do have an interesting tenant there, the wolphin (hybrid atlantic bottle nose dolphin and false killer whale) Kekaimalu! She doesn't look like a bottle nose dolphin that much since she's bigger than the bottle nose, but she's also smaller than a false killer whale... Ooh... I also cracked up a little when I saw the milk fishes in the tank... just because I have eaten a milk fish before... heheheh! Plus, I've never seen milk fish in an aquarium before! heheheh!
No, this is not in Philadelphia, this is still in Oahu, downtown Honolulu to be exact! That's a replica of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia given to Honolulu as a gift! And yes, even the crack was duplicated! hehehe!
Just a short walk from where the Liberty Bell replica is, you'll find the Iolani Palace. I didn't know before that there were Hawaiian Royalty even before the English came to the Hawaiian islands! (Think about Captain Cook!) It's a nice Palace/Museum to go to to learn some more things about Hawaiian history and what happened to the Royalty.
What's a visit to Hawaii without seeing pineapples, right? So, we went to the Dole plantation in Oahu! Interesting fact, they don't farm pineapples there anymore! They just have the plantation there as a tourist attraction and ooh, they have a pineapple maze there!
And of course, here's the famouse Diamond Head.
We hiked up to the top and the views up there was nice! Of course the view of Diamond Head here in the picture is also nice, since we were on a boat trying to find some whales and dolphins! The spinner dolphins were cool! They were putting on a show while we were cruising the shore, doing spins in the air and there was like, 20 of them in the group!
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