I love zoos! Our first stop of the day at the zoo, was breakfast! Well, It's breakfast with the orangutans!
Aren't the oranguatns just adorable? We got to see the orangutans up close during breakfast! They were also eating their breakfast, while we were eating ours! I thought it was pretty cool!
I found the orangutans so cute that I took so many photos! Here's a few more. =)
We did not have a lot of time at the zoo so we had to decide what do we want to see? There's so many animals there! If you like animals/zoos I think you can spend your whole day there!
We decided to just walk around and see whatever we could see. Was that a great plan or what? Hee-hee! The first animal we saw, well, after the orangutans and tons of monkeys at the entrance of the zoo, rhinoceros! I know they are african, but I'm not sure if they are white rhinos or black rhinos... Could be white since they have wide lips for eating grass, the black ones have prehensile lips (did I spell that correctly?) for eating leaves on trees/bushes... Hey, I remembered some of the information from my safari! Yey!
Next we saw some crested cranes. Aren't they beautiful? I learned their names from the safari too!
Is that Marti? Haha! I've been watching too much Madagascar! Here's some common zebras with one of them showing his best side to us! Hee-hee!
We then saw some giraffes! I don't remember if it's a rothschild giraffe, maybe it's just a reticulated giraffe... I can't tell if the giraffe has white socks from his knee down... Haha! Does it sound too nerdy when I say the types of giraffe, and not just say giraffe? =D
Of course, there was also a lion, who I think was pretending to sleep at the time. I remember seeing his eyes peeping at the people gawking at him. =)
I think this is a komodo dragon... Haha! I don't know my animals now, maybe I need to visit a zoo again to re-acquiant myself with the animal names!
I think these are all iguanas. I should really post the photos right after taking them so I don't forget names, etc.
Here's some giant tortoises! They're really huge!
Here's some other turtles. They're the normal sized ones for me anyways. =)
This is one of my favorite animals there. The white tigers! Doesn't he look like he's staring right at me and licking his lips probably thinking that I look tasty? =)
Here's some wild pigs. I forgot their names... =)
Here's another monkey... Well, I forgot what he's called... I can't believe I forgot the name! Look at it's face, that's a face you won't forget! Hehe! I'll come back here when I remember the name, but isn't he cute?
I believe these are crocodiles. We thought they were fake but then one of them opened their mouth! Hee-hee!
There was a lot of different little monkeys running around the zoo (not in a cage amazingly!) but it was too hard for me to get a photo of most of them (Yeah, my camera skills are not so good! =D)but here's one. Just don't ask me what type of monkey it is since I don't have a clue! It's really cute though!
There was a lot of flowers around the zoo but I didn't take a lot of photos of them... Here's one of an orchid. They have tons of orchids there. They even have an orchid garden you could visit there. Unfortunately we were not able to vist the garden. Maybe next time. Even if we did not get to see the whole zoo (not enough time), I think the Singapore Zoo is pretty cool!
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