Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Around Cuzco

Cuzco, Peru

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The stone wall on the right is inside the convent. It is one of the best examples of stonework by the Incas. They said you can tell how important a place is by how neat the stone work is. Looking at the stone work here, this must have been a very important place before. Ah... another interesting thing our guide said is, the Inca knowledge of stonework is not originally Incan, but from the Tiahuanaco from neighbor Bolivia (If I remember correctly... Heehee! It's been awhile, and I know, I should have posted right away... Oh well! =))

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If you look at this side of the convent, you can see the different influences in Cuzco. It's pretty cool I think.

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What do you think of their Plaza de Armas? I remember thinking that day that the sky is so blue!!! We went inside the church, it's pretty nice inside, they've got some interesting statues of saints that may look a little bit graphic to some people, and they've got some gold leafing on some areas too... What I remember the most, is a painting of the last supper, where, the dinner served on the table in front of Jesus and the apostles, is a cuy (guinea pig)! It's pretty cool the local artists were able to integrate some local stuff into their work!

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