Sunday, May 22, 2016

Spring is in the air!

Vienna, VA
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Spring is in the air! Everything is growing! Well, the pictures were taken not at the beginning of spring, but still spring season! I love cherry blossoms! We were a little late visiting the park as you can see leaves with the cherry blossom flowers, they were still beautiful!

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It was a really nice spring day the day the pictures were taken. Look at how blue the sky is! I love all the greens around and of course, the flowers were a delight! The daffodils were very cheery! One time I bought a bunch of cut daffodils for home. I was so happy with myself for bringing some cheer at home with the daffodils, but for some reason, I was not feeling so good... I was sneezing and my eyes were teary and my nose was running. I wasn't feeling well when I'm at home but still smiles when I see the daffodils... I didn't realize the daffodils were making me feel miserable until someone pointed it out to me! I even didn't believe it at first. I was like, I don't get allergies from pollen! Once I chucked the daffodils, I was feeling fine! No more sneezing, watery eyes and runny nose! I was a little sad that I couldn't bring home daffodils anymore. Or any flowers with pollen. Haha! I am fine with flowers outside apparently, just not inside the house! Going back to the daffodils in the park, I still think they look very cheery with their bright yellow colors!

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I just love visiting Meadowlark Garden in the spring! Look at the colors at the park! You do need to watch out a bit for the geese there. Some of them are a little feisty!

As you can see, I love the gazebo there! Just wanted to share another photo of it! Hee-hee!

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Here's a few animals that you can see there. I saw these turtles and the koi at the gazebo! Don't you just love spring? I do!

1 comment:

SabrinaGreen said...

The smell of spring flowers are awesome. Heathrow Terminal 4 Parking